How Crypto Businesses Can Have Positive Relationships with Regulators

2 min read

With more regulators circling the crypto-industry, learn how you can develop long-lasting relationships with them to minimise disruptions. Regulators are still trying to clamp down on unregulated methods of funding like Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), Initial Token Offerings (ITOs) or Initial Security Offerings (ISOs). This raises a lot of issues for crypto-businesses, especially if business owners haven’t dealt with regulators before, or if they are based in different countries to the company’s residence. With this in mind, it’s essential that you know what is required to ensure your business stays in their good books for the foreseeable future.  Communication is key…...

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Simone D. Casadei Bernardi I have a strong expertise in internationalisation strategy, company formation, financial and blockchain projects' compliance, and business analysis. Please, feel free to connect with me.